Firhill Youth Project Vacancies

Firhill Youth Project and Community Sports (SCIO) is a charity which aims to positively impact lives in the North Glasgow community through the promotion of a range of accessible, affordable, and sustainable opportunities for local young people (and on occasion the wider community) to participate, coach, or volunteer in rowing, kayaking, canoeing, and other sport, and physical activity related opportunities at the Firhill Basin in North Glasgow.

Firhill Youth Project and Community Sports Hub (SCIO) works in partnership with Scottish Rowing, the governing body for the sport of Rowing in Scotland, and Glasgow Life (Glasgow Sport), the local public authority for sport in the Glasgow City Council area. Firhill Youth Project and Community Sports Hub (SCIO) also works in direct partnership with Partick Thistle Football Club and Glasgow Kayak Club, the hubs key partner clubs.

The following two positions are currently being recruited: