We are all committed to regular walking – are you?

During the life of GOGA in Fife supported by Spirit of 2012, this group of DSF members became committed to regular walking. They also committed to using their pedometers, sometimes walking poles and most importantly recorded their daily totals.

Thank you to Active Fife and Bums off Seats specifically plus Paths for All for helping GOGA in Fife with the walking initiative. Walking is very firmly on the Disability Sport Fife programme now and after lockdown we shall be organising another series of GOGA Walks in the Park that were such a success last year.

During lockdown please try to walk whenever you can. No need to travel far to have a walk but remember the rules of social distancing. Stay home, stay safe but stay active.

Richard brickley OBE MBE Chairman DSF (SCIO) Board of Charity Trustees