Understanding Disability and Sport in Scotland Survey

The Observatory for Sport in Scotland and the Peter Harrison Foundation are conducting a survey as part of a larger research study, Understanding Disability and Sport in Scotland.
The objective of this survey is to develop a better understanding of the organisations that are involved in supporting people with a disability to take part in physical activity and sport. The information will enable the development and publication of a stakeholder map which will be available to assist researchers, other stakeholders, policy makers and individuals with a disability to find out information about all organisations that help and support the development of physical activity and sporting opportunities for those with a disability.

A key part of the research is the stakeholder survey. As many completions of this survey as possible will be extremely helpful to all involved in disability sport as currently there is no overarching database of all stakeholders.

The survey can be completed here: https://uws.questionpro.com/t/AUq0WZqwHj