Tag: Funding

A photo showing Ability Shetland adapted cyclists lined up and celebrating

Adapted Cycling Given Boost in Shetland

Cycling for people with disabilities in Shetland has been given a boost thanks to funding from the Scottish Government.

Ability Shetland, Scottish Disability Sport’s newest Branch, was awarded £15,000 from the Healthy Islands Fund to enable them to further develop their efforts in adapted cycling provision.

The funding will enable Ability Shetland to purchase additional bikes to add to their fleet. In turn, they’ll be able to accommodate more people and cater to a wider range of disabilities within their regular sessions.

Well done to the Ability Shetland team.

If you, or anyone you know, lives with a physical, sensory or learning disability in Grampian or Shetland & is interested in getting involved in sport, please get in touch with Alison on alison.shaw@scottishdisabilitysport.com or 07828 744 848.


Photo credit: Ability Shetland