Paths For All – Autumn Step Count Challenge

What better way to stay active as the days become colder and darker than a step challenge with a little bit of team competition thrown in!

SDS staff and board members had great fun participating in the Paths For All – Autumn Step Count Challenge between the 5 October and the 29 November 2020. Three teams of 5 were formed from SDS consisting of one board team and two staff teams. Everyone took to the challenge straight away and enjoyed trying to keep the gap as narrow as possible between each team! As we know with a challenge as long as 8 weeks consistency is key and all three teams gave it a really good shot and kept adding to their total step count for the duration! Week by week the step tally continued to fly up with an impressive amount of physical activity taking place between walking, exercise classes, cycling and even some domestic chores added in!

Well done to the SDS Board team who won the gold medal for SDS by racking up an impressive 3,4832,254 steps in total and finishing in the top 100 in 91st place out of 524 teams. Taking second place on the podium for SDS was the SDS Hawks team with a total step count of 3,257,203 and not far behind in third place with 2,764,381 was the SDS Squirrels, finishing in position 271 overall.

Well done to everyone who took park in the challenge and went above and beyond to support their teammates and engage in some friendly banter with the other SDS teams along the way!

A special mention must go to Richard Brickley OBE MBE, who was part of the SDS Hawks team who was awarded the overall Paths For All Autumn Step Count Challenge Champion! Richard clocked up a huge number of steps over the 8 weeks but was also hugely inspiring and motivating to the rest of his team members – a very worthwhile winner!