Mental Wellbeing Conversations with SAMH

Robert introduced himself and welcomed all those attending the Mental Wellbeing Conversations with SAMH. Robert has over 20 years’ experience in working in this area and he was keen to start a conversation and share his passion and wealth of knowledge regarding how we can all find ways to look after our mental health.

To start our conversation, we were asked ‘What is Mental Health?’ We all shared our thoughts and discussed how in the past, mental health was seen as a negative and ‘swept under the carpet’. People were unlikely to admit to suffering from poor mental health and were told to ‘give yourself a shake’. Mental health was often medicalised and seen as an illness with negative connotations.

We then considered how attitudes and perceptions have changed over the years. Thankfully for the better, people are more open and although we often cannot see if someone is struggling with mental health, we are more likely to support and understand. Awareness of mental health and wellbeing has seen great improvements through communities, councils, schools and at Government level but we must all strive to continue that good work.

After discussing the definition of mental health and wellbeing, we shared our experiences of how physical activity has huge benefits for our mental health. From improved mood, increased confidence and self-esteem, better quality of sleep, reduced stress and increasing social connections. So, get out in the fresh air, go for a walk, a push or a jog and feel the benefits for yourself.

SAMH have developed ‘5 ways to better mental health’ and these are – stay connected, get active, take notice, give and learn. By connecting with these you are acknowledging to yourself and others that you are looking after our mental health and wellbeing. Identify your activity and plan to make it happen. Take time to focus on the things you love and matter to you and don’t let other things stop you.

Check out our page here, where you can learn more about the ‘5 Ways to Better Mental Health’ and there are also some great resources available. If you are planning your mental health activities then the #Beactivebewell #Connect 5 has some great suggestions. What are you waiting for? Give it a go!