Home Vision Testing Kit – volunteers needed

The Innovation team at Forth Valley NHS are looking to develop a Home Vision Testing kit which can be used remotely to measure vision and are really keen to get feedback and experience from people who have visual impairments.

They are looking for volunteers of all ages, but especially children, to help them make the best home vision testing system we can! Lots of appointments have had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, and people are increasingly relying on video calls.

Forth Valley NHS are investigating tools that allow a vision test to be part of the video call, as well as other ways to check vision at home, and so are looking for children and adults with all levels of vision to check what works and what doesn’t in the home vision testing project. 4 companies are all developing their own solutions, and keen to connect with interested volunteers.

 For more information or to get involved contact Wendy Nimmo Wendy Nimmo, Innovation Lead NHS Forth Valley Wendy Nimmo (NHS Forth Valley) wendy.nimmo@nhs.scot