Hazel Macleod

Age: 35

Home town: Edinburgh

Sport: Paratriathlon

Classification: Guide

Coach: Alasdair Donaldson

When and how did you get involved in sport?
I swam as a kid to a national level and rowed at university so have always been involved in sport. When I moved to Edinburgh 12 years ago I started doing triathlon for fun and as a way to meet new people.

Career highlights:

  • Guiding Alison Peasgood to Paralympic silver in the Rio Paratriathlon.

How many Paralympic Games have you competed in?
Rio 2016 & Tokyo 2020

What are your ambitions in Tokyo?
To support my athlete as best as possible. With the climate being pretty extreme I think the event is wide open.

Do you have one bit of advice for an aspiring athlete?
Remember to enjoy the training and competing and appreciate the people you meet along the way.

Twitter: @babygiraffe42

Instagram: @babygiraffe42