Growth in Grampian Schools’ Swimming Gala

After a drop in attendance in 2018, we were delighted to welcome 50 swimmers from schools across Aberdeen City & Shire with physical, sensory and learning disabilities to the annual Norma Buist Gala, held at Aberdeen Sports Village for the 3rd year.

The event, named in honour of the late Norma Buist – who worked with St Andrew’s School and was a huge advocate of swimming – is the region’s qualifying event for the Scottish Disability Sport National Junior Swimming Championships, and spaces are hotly contested, particularly for the Learning Disability event!

There were some cracking races on the day from swimmers both experienced and new, with special mentions for newcomer Cassidy Guyan, who gave Lucy Thomas a run for her money, as did Jake Milne with seasoned Para Swimmer, Jason Cobb.

A great turnout of parents, teachers and support staff ensured that swimmers were well-supported during the event, and we thank them all for their encouragement of all swimmers & positive attitude during the entire event.

The feedback has been exceptional, and we’re thoroughly looking forward to next year’s event, which will be held on the 18th September 2020.

The event would not be possible without the efforts from a team of volunteers from Grampian Disability Sport, members of the Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire Active Schools teams, local club representatives & Scottish Disability Sport. Special mentions go to Marie Cheyne for her tireless efforts in producing & communicating the competition schedule, and for the post-event admin, Pauline Stirling for running the show on the day, S14 superstar Conner Morrison for presenting medals & inspiring the next generation of athletes, and finally, to Kerry Buist – daughter of Norma – who also presented medals & thoroughly mucked in with the operation of the event.

Well done to all & good luck to all of the swimmers selected for the National Junior Swimming Championships, which will be held in November!