Charlotte Askham

Charlotte. 18. Forth Valley Disability Sport.Age


Forth Valley Disability Sport

How did you get involved in sport or what would you like to get involved with?
I played table cricket in my last year of high school. I ended up representing Scotland in the table cricket finals at Lords in London.

What motivated you to join the Young Person’s Sport panel?
To help give people with disabilities a change to take part in sports and not just watch from the sidelines.

If you could change anything, what would you change to improve disability sport?
More information and support given to school without a unit for people with

What are your sporting (or other) highlights?
Going to Lords and representing Scotland and my school

What are your goals and aspirations?
To help others with disabilities become more involved with sports.

What is your best achievement, sporting or otherwise?
Representing Scotland and my school at Lords

Is there a role model that inspires you and why?
My P.E teacher Amy, she has taught me so much about accepting who you are as a person and helped my become a more confident person.