Grampian partnership aims to improve visual impairment sport

A Grampian partnership has begun work on providing better opportunities and signposting for people with visual impairments as we gradually return to sport after lockdown.

The partnership, made up of representatives from RNIB, Scottish Disability Sport, Scottish War Blind, Grampian Disability Sport and local authority sensory support services, aims to identify and remove barriers to participation, support people with sight loss in attending new activities, encourage and support clubs and activity providers to become inclusive for people with visual impairments, and to reach out to people with visual impairments to encourage them to try new sports and activities.

The partnership also hosts a monthly service user group call where people with visual impairments can discuss their experiences of sport, hear from inspiring athletes and participants with sight loss, hear about opportunities that they can get involved in, and contribute towards shaping the development of sport and physical activity for people with vision loss.

If you’re a service user or service provider living or operating in Grampian, please get in touch if you’d like to be part of either of these forums.

If you, or anyone you know, lives with a physical, sensory or learning disability in Grampian is interested in getting involved in sport, please get in touch with Alison on or 07828 744 848.