Sport for Skills – Brynn Hauxwell, Young Start

The Young Start programme empowers young people (aged between 16 – 24) with a physical, learning and sensory disability throughout Scotland to develop their confidence and coaching skills over a one-year period.

Brynn is one of many of the young people who have taken the opportunities that Young Start has provided them and gained qualifications in coaching/leadership.

Brynn spoke to us about his experience of Young Start and how it opened up the pathway for him not only as a participant but to be able to give back and teach others.

Brynn has always been interested in sports and has recently discovered wheelchair basketball, wheelchair racing, fencing and motorsports. Not only has sport increased Brynn’s physical health but has more importantly improved his mental health. Having that shared interest with someone within the sport gives him someone to talk to and has built his confidence.

Young Start has allowed Brynn to complete both his Boccia and Goalball leaders qualification and he is currently working towards a coaching qualification in fencing. Brynn now shares his knowledge with other individuals with a disability, volunteering with a Boccia and Fencing club in Shetland and also by helping to set up and volunteer at Shetlands first ever Wheelchair Racing club.

Brynn said lots of skills he has learnt through playing sports such as general teamworking, confidence and problem solving allows Brynn to adapt the sport for each individual. Brynn feels through playing sport he is now not afraid to ask for help as it is how he learns, and Brynn has applied this throughout the programme as he continues to improve his coaching skills.

Brynn says the Young Start programme: “Has made a massive difference, boosted confidence in myself to teach others, give advice and coach. This has also transferred to my interactions in my day to day life.”

Young Start applications for the next cohort are now open and close on the 29th September.

Young Start Application form 

Brynn is at the side of the track in a blue racing wheelchair              Brynn is next to a motorsports car which is black and orange with his name on the front